Sunday, February 19, 2012

Adessa - February 19th, 2012

Hi little lady!

Well, you had your BIG ultrasound the other day. (I should figure out how to put the pics up...but to be frank, ultrasound shots are so hard to figure out anyways, it would probably not look like much.) The day before, I could barely walk. According to my doctor, you were breach and sitting on my ligaments that connect the two sides of my pelvis in front and...holy crap. It makes any leg movement SO painful. Walking, getting up, (though moving only one leg is the worst!) With Ena's pregnancy, I would go for walks and do yoga, with you...sometimes it's difficult just sitting.

So a sunday ago, I went with your Dad to church and was feeling AWFUL. To the point where he had to drive me back home the hour and a half before youth group that night, and then drive back to run AtF. The fact that I asked him to drive an extra three hours to take me home should let you know how much pain I was in. I could barely walk, stairs were out of the question, any movement was excruciating. In fact, my parents came over to take care of Ena so that I could sit there like a giant lump and do nothing. (and nap)

I lay on an upside down incline for about 30 minutes, and you were moving around like CRAZY. I thought I felt you change, but just couldn't tell...and then when I woke up, I felt WORSE.

Fast forward to the next morning before the ultrasound, and it felt like a lot of the pressure was gone. It still hurt, but not anywhere close to what the day before was. Then we go for the ultrasound and they tell us that you flipped over and were head down now! Hooray! This means I can have you naturally, instead of the C-section that they were thinking about.

They showed us SO much in that ultrasound. It was crazy! We got to see your little face (poor thing, you're all smashed up against the uterine's getting tight in there!) and you have hair!!! (which means we're guessing that my hair won again and you'll be darker haired like Ena and me.) We got to see your spine, and kidneys, and two of the coolest moments were when they showed your heart. We could see all four chambers of your hear pumping, and then they turned on the doppler radar to show the blood flow through both sides, which showed that your heart walls were well-formed and there wasn't crossover between the two. You have chubby cheeks and chubby legs, and long feet. The other thing that was the absolute coolest was the tech zoomed in on your eye and we could see you blinking and looking around. You could actually see your iris moving back and forth like you were watching something. I have no idea what, but it was awesome!

They said that you are just a little on the smaller side, but you're perfect. Because Ena was SO BIG, they figured that you would follow suit. Apparently, you march to the beat of your own drum, kiddo. They project you to come out around 7 lbs, which is actually making me SO happy, because if I naturally birthed a 10 lb baby, you should be a snap. Actually, I'm a little relieved. Phew! (Now, I just need to control my sugar intake so I don't inadvertently make you huge (or colicky, when you have to do the withdrawal out here.) Must. Eat. Less. Sugar.

Now that you're head down, I feel a little better, but it's still pretty bad. I may go to physical therapy, but I'm not sure yet what I want to do. But now you're kicking up high and your daddy plays "chase the foot" when you get all wiggly. We love you sweetie, and can't wait to meet you!

Get cooked and then come out!!!


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