Thursday, February 19, 2009


So, I have been feeling really nauseous on and off lately. It's strange. I think it's stress or not eating well or something, but my stomach has definitely had a bit of burn to it lately that seems to linger.

So, I, of course, after freaking myself out for a few weeks, because there were some other things that reminded me quite specifically of a certain other event that wound up in my life completely changing and a small human creature taking up residence in my house, took a pregnancy test. I had begun to be really careful about what I was eating and making sure not to take ibuprofen and all that other crazy stuff pregnant ladies do. I went back and forth on being convinced that I was, and convinced that I wasn't...granted the latter was the much more likely scenario.

I had told only two people that this might even be a possibility, and only because one needed to know and one guessed.

Sunday, when we got home from church, after I had taught and hung out and watched my daughter be passed around the room to more pairs of arms that wanted to play with her than there was time for, I took the pregnancy test.

It was negative.

And the reaction was the same from the people that I told. Well...good.

Right. Good! Totally a good thing. We don't have the money for new hospital bills or pre-natal expensicare. I'm tired as it is, Helena gets more time with just us, I'm an only child and really have no idea what the whole sibling things looks like...Good! Yeah, good! Right? Good.

SO why am I just a little bummed out?

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