Friday, March 23, 2012

Adessa - March 23rd, 2021

Come out! Come out! Come out!

Not that I wasn't excited before, but it's starting to get really real! I can't wait to have you here, so I can squash your cheeks and cuddle your and play with your feet (while simultaneously not having them kicking my internal organs.)

Last weekend, I went through and sorted all of Ena and your clothes, and squashed Ena's stuff into half her drawers and put your onesies and sleepers into the other drawers. And I put together your cradle. We still need to settle the carseat issue (whether we're buying a new one or using the one we used with Ena.) but we're pretty much as ready as we're going to be.

I had my last ultrasound yesterday with you (I had to do one more past the last one because they wanted to do a growth check). They showed me your brain! And your four chambered beating heart! Such cool stuff. They say you're measuring at 6 lbs 13 oz, plus or minus a pound, so we've graduated to being able to birth you when you decide (they've been talking about induction, which I am NOT a fan of.) because you've reached the goal weight and then some. SLASH you're not going to be the 10 lb moosey that Ena was, so I'm actually a lot more relaxed heading into labor.

I'm seeing pictures of other babies that were just born and I can't wait until we have our own squashy peanut to love on. I just want to get on to the next phase of figuring stuff out together, and seeing how our new little family fits together. Mommy's bad at waiting. That and nine months is a long time to know something's coming.

There's been a few contractions here and there...and I'm already dialated to 2 cm. It'll probably be a little bit yet, but I'm hoping that it'll be sooner rather than later.

I'm so curious about who you are, and I know it'll be a long time in coming to discover all of that, but at least I'll get some questions answered--what do you look like? What color hair will you have? What's your temperament going to be like?

All in all, come out here. Mommy wants to play! (So does Daddy. He keeps talking about how he wants his baby snuggles AND Ena comes in every morning saying "ADESSA! Come out!!! It's time to come out now!" So far you've been ignoring her, but I can't wait to see how you guys are with each other. I love you baby, see you soon!


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