Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So...CNN and Facebook had this lovely marriage of Live feed, which was awesome. Until about a bazillion people logged on, and guess who's feed went down RIGHT as Obama was being sworn in. If you guess me, you are right. Though I bet if you guess names of other people you'd probably be right as well. Fuh-Reaking out thus ensued. Seriously, I had been watching since nine in the morning, I had suffered through CNN trying to fill the hours where the Obama family was in church or invisible in their motorcade. I had seen his limo roll past excited people. I even listened to some woman in a horrible hat make inane remarks about "there are so many people!" "Do you hear the excitement??!! But what about the excitement!!??!!" I had watched the interviews where they accosted black people on the street about finally "having their day" (I'm still trying to decide if that's offensive), I know why Dick Cheney is in a wheelchair, I know there's no room for Bush to have his going away party in D.C., and how they handle moving the new president in. I am officially a creeper on our inauguration. Little addicted, I know. But personally, I think someone as dedicated as myself should have first dibs on bandwidth. You 11 o'clock slackers can go watch it on Hulu or something.

So, when my feed went down (we don't have television) I scrambled to find another one. MSNBC was slightly better, but froze every 10 seconds. At least I got to hear his speech, albeit with really long pauses. That plus a baby that decided to get fussy, right. then. didn't add to my enjoyment of the hiccupping feed. No matter. I'll watch the speech again with my hubby when we can hold hands in silence as a little family and hope good things for our country.

I think the thing that fascinates me the most about this is that President Obama (finally, btw.) looks like he's about to go get a massage instead of get sworn into presidency of a country that's on the brink. He's got decisions that I would not want to be in charge of and somehow manages to remain as cool as ice.

Here's hoping.

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